Mockup of Free Health Authority Home Page Template from The Wellness Copy Shop

FREE tool & training for health practitioner entrepreneurs...

How to take clients from curious to confirmed—without spending every waking moment creating content.


Get the Brand Magnet Map

FREE tool & training or health practitioner entrepreneurs...

Mockup of Free Health Authority Home Page Template from The Wellness Copy Shop

 How to take clients from curious to confirmed—without spending every waking moment creating content.

Get the Brand Magnet Map

Let's be honest:

We all know that attracting a steady stream of clients to grow your practice requires a shi*t-ton of content and a load of copywriting assets…

which can leave you with zero energy left to give.


So what if...

Instead of pumping out more content, you were to get so strategic with every touchpoint of your content…

that you started to consistently bring in your best-fit *dreamy* clients…

while also getting off the hamster wheel of content creation …

and freeing up time to take your business (and your life!!) to the next level.

How does that sound?


Mockup of health practitioners on computer screens

The Brand Magnet Map gives you:


✓  A tool to map out every touchpoint clients have with your brand—and discover hidden gaps.

✓   A way to make sure clients always have a stellar experience with your brand—even when you're not paying attention.

✓  A roadmap to guide clients from curious onlookers to walking billboards for your brand—largely on automation.


Hand that thang ov-ah!!!
Mockup of health practitioners on computer screens

After watching this 30-minute training and creating your own Brand Magnet Map...

You'll have a clear plan to magnetize your dream clients—largely on automation & without leaving anything to chance.

Sarah Cook with StoryBrand Certified Guide Badge

Why do you need a Brand Magnet Map?

I’m Sarah Cook, a Copywriter, StoryBrand Guide, and former Naturopathic Doctor.

Having written for the naturopathic and functional medicine community for 10+ years, I’ve navigated lots of trends.

While other copywriters will tell you to clarify your message, I know that the clearest message and best copywriting won’t work unless it’s plugged into a strategic and planned out system.

That’s why you need to start with a Brand Magnet Map.


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Brand Magnet Map

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