Why 2025 is the year I'm leaning into AI

ai for copywriting content strategy email marketing social media marketing Dec 19, 2024
Why 2025 will be the year I support practitioners in leveraging A.I.


If you had told me a year ago that I’d be helping practitioners leverage AI for copywriting and content creation by the end of 2024, I would’ve laughed. I’m just not an early adopter, and if anyone considers themself hesitant when it comes to using AI, it’s me.

Or if I’m being brutally honest, I just always thought I was better than a bot.

Until now.


Let’s take a step back

Copywriting for health & wellness practitioners has been my jam for more than a decade now. Most recently, my signature service was Copywriting VIP Days, where I would dedicate a full day to laser focus on a single client’s copywriting projects. What I always loved most about those days was the sense of “becoming” each client and writing as if I were literally standing in their shoes.

Almost predictably, I would send out a draft of a sales page or email in the middle of a VIP Day and get a text back with exclamations and emojis along the lines of, “this is perfect - it sounds just like me!”

This is what I prided myself on.

(and why they paid me the big bucks lol)

But it’s the contrast between how I used to do this before AI and how I do it now that is the reason I’m writing this post.

The bizarre part is that I used to have a hard time explaining how I did it. I would set aside an entire day (in advance of the actual VIP Day) to mentally prepare. I would read my client’s social media posts, emails, sales pages, and website copy to get a “sense” of their style and to search for common words and phrases they tended to use. I would create a brand messaging guide, largely from my own brainstorming and creativity process. I would “get in the zone” of their message and style.

Pretty vague, right?

It was heavily intuitive, and the truth is that it worked.

Except for one thing:

The toll on my energy.

It was just mentally draining, like—can’t do anything for the rest of the week after a single VIP Day level of draining.

I promise to circle back to how I do things differently now with the help of AI, but first let’s be clear about why I am so jazzed to lean more into supporting practitioners with AI as we head into 2025.


What I’m seeing

Over the same period of time that I was evolving my process of working with clients, I couldn’t ignore the trend I was seeing on my social media feed, on sales pages, and in marketing emails.

There was one day that I opened my inbox to an onslaught of emails written by a bot.

One had the šŸ’„šŸš€Unveil, Unlock, and Skyrocket drama going on.

Another told a story and then said, “This story didn’t actually happen.” What?!?

Then another started with, “Imagine you’re running at full speed, giving your all to your family, your job, your vision for success…but then, suddenly, life throws you a curveball.”


It’s just fake.

My brain checks out.

I’m not sure why that day struck me differently than every other day that I see content unabashedly written by a bot, but it did. I just couldn’t stop thinking about these three things:

  • Everyone is using AI
  • Many (not all) are outsourcing their creativity and power to the machine thinking nobody will notice.
  • People notice.

That was the day I decided I would make it my next mission to help wellness practitioners leverage AI to create energetically aligned copy (not the skyrocketing stuff) in a way that also leverages their intuition and creative brilliance.

Am I delulu?

Maybe, but I’m doing it anyway.


How I cut 8 hours of work down to 2

I said I’d circle back to how I craft copy in the unique voice and vibe of each client, so here we are. This is not a process that I magically thought up one day, and there was no single a-ha moment.

It was more of a series of “holy sh*t” moments that culminated in the process I currently follow and teach.

The first thing I started to do differently once ChatGPT came out was to use it as a brainstorming partner when doing prep work for my VIP clients. That basically looked like me prompting the GPT with things like, “You are a messaging expert for a functional medicine practitioner who focuses on supporting women in perimenopause with natural options like nutrition and supplements. What are some problems and pain points the ideal clients for this practitioner might struggle with?”

That sort of prompting may sound basic to you by now, but the difference for me was between swirling a million things around in my mind and actually getting a list of thoughts organized on paper fast.

The next thing I started to add to my process was asking ChatGPT to analyze my clients’ content. I would paste examples into the chat and ask it to tell me what common words, phrases, and messaging points tended to repeat.

Whereas I used to spend an entire day preparing to write for any given client, my time was effectively cut down to about 2 hours.

And the outcome was the same.

I continued to hear, “This is amazing! I would totally say that!” when I would send over my drafts.

That was cool.

But there is one more piece to this puzzle.

Because then I started to hear rumblings about Custom GPTs. I must’ve clicked on an Instagram ad at one point in the summer of 2024 because at some point I started to see talk of Custom GPTs just about everywhere I looked.

So I decided to figure that out next.

What I discovered was that I was able to take all of these processes I’d been playing with and pull them together into a Custom GPT that was trained in the brand message, voice, and vibe of any given client.

Let’s just take a minute here.

That actually changed everything.

It changed everything about how I was able to approach client work as a copywriter, but what I’d say is even more important...

It also changed what I could see and envision and believe to be possible for every health & wellness practitioner out there still on the struggle bus with their content creation.

I liked that feeling.


Want me to show you?

You can basically pick up a ChatGPT training at your nearest convenience store these days. Do what you need to do, but I’m guessing you’ll circle back to me for support with this at some point—especially if you’re a wellness practitioner who wants to create energetically aligned copy.

(or maybe I just believe in myself a little too hard, but I’m okay with that today!)

The thing is that I don’t teach it the way everyone else does.

I don’t just give you a bunch of prompts that will “save you time.”

I don’t just tell you to “watch over my shoulder” as I do my own work.

I don’t make you pay good money for an offer that turns out you could’ve had ChatGPT spit out for you for free.

What I do is to teach you how to use AI in a way that is thoughtful and intentional. In a way that brings your inner knowing and creative brilliance into the process. In a way that helps you save time (of course) while also showing up in a way that feels energetically aligned.

For example, I teach how to:

  • Use AI to brainstorm messaging points faster and more effectively.
  • Analyze your past content to uncover the words, phrases, and tone that resonate most.
  • Create high-vibe, aligned content that showcases your thought leadership and feels authentic.

We are at a tipping point right now on the verge of 2025 where AI is no longer optional.

One core belief that my business has always revolved around is that wellness practitioners have better ways to spend their time than creating content all day. I have helped to solve this problem in various ways over the years—mostly with templates or done-for-you content—and now AI is pulling it all together.


What practitioners are saying so far

I recently ran a beta test of the Custom GPT Starter Pack for Wellness Practitioners, and the feedback I got was phenomenal.

"I am super impressed this course was such a lovely experience because I have been intimidated by AI - and OMG, who knew ChatGPT could be so awesome and fun?!! Everything feels more doable now." -Regina Chaylee (Certified Coach)

"The workbook and copy & paste prompts made this wonderfully easy! I have toyed with it just a touch, but so far results are unbelievable. Like literally incredible. This changes things 1000000%" - Kim McNerny (Marketer for Unique Health)

"I am already creating outlines for a course that I am creating. I can also pass the link off to my VAs for consistent style and messaging of content that they create. This is fantastic!" - Melissa Trotman (Vital You Functional Medicine)

"I LITERALLY JUST GAINED BACK A FEW YEARS OF MY LIFE! The frustration around how long everything takes and how hard it is to get to EVERYTHING, leaving the mental peace for creativity was just overcome in an hour!!!!!!!!! This alone has served to give me HUGE confidence that what we are embarking on with ACTUALLY come to FRUITION! Can’t wait to keep going! THANK YOU!!!!" - Kerry Rutland (Age Well Simply)


It’s actually all about your vibe

2025 will be a defining year for how health and wellness practitioners show up online. Your potential clients will be more discerning than ever before. They will crave connection and authenticity, and they’ll be quick to notice when something feels off.

This is why leveraging AI in an intentional and energetically aligned way is so critical.

Will your content reflect your unique ideas, experience, and personality?

Or will it fade into the noise of cookie-cutter, salesy, bot-written posts.

I believe that when used correctly, AI can help you create content that is:

  • More aligned with your authentic voice.
  • More specific to your ideal clients.
  • More efficient, saving you hours of time.

Your content creates a ripple effect, which is why I always say that the vibe of your content becomes the vibe of your business.

What do you want that vibe to be?

I see a future where you are able to leverage AI and also create content that feels energetically on point every time.

Supporting wellness practitioners in this is the next evolution of my mission.

I’m here for it.

We’ll do it together.


Next Steps

Want to finally train ChatGPT in your brand message, voice, and vibe? I teach you the exact process I follow to turn ChatGPT into a mini clone of myself and my clients inside the Custom GPT Starter Pack for Wellness Practitioners. Check it out here →



Custom GPT Starter Pack for Wellness Practitioners

Finally train ChatGPT in your brand message, voice, & vibeā€”I teach you the exact strategy I follow as a professional copywriter!

Custom GPT Starter Pack


Sarah Cook is a Copywriter, StoryBrand Guide, and former Naturopathic Doctor with 10+ years of experience writing for the naturopathic and functional medicine community.


