Copy Quick Tip | Write for One, Edit for All

copy quick tips Jun 21, 2023
Inclusive copywriting tips


June is Pride Month, so I've been thinking a lot about inclusive copywriting. I recently took a course on how to neutralize clinical language for LGBTQ+ inclusion and have been looking at the health-related content that I write for my clients through a new lens. 

One way I like to think about inclusive copywriting is to write as if anybody in the world could read my words—people of any gender identity, sexual orientation, race, disability, or any other categorization.

The funny thing about this is that it's the exact opposite of what I've been trained to do! 

Normally I approach a copywriting project as if I'm having an intimate chat with a single person. It's how I get specific, stay casual, and connect. So I've been asking myself: how can I write for one single person yet also write for everybody?

What I've found to work best is to write an initial draft as I always have, as if speaking to a single person. Then I review that copy through a lens of inclusivity. I look for places I've made assumptions about sexual orientation or gender identity. I imagine people from all different groups and in different places in the world reading my words. 

Does it take more time and energy? 


Is it worth it?




✏️ Copy Quick Tip ✏️

 Write for one, edit for all.




If you're a naturopathic doctor, functional medicine practitioner, or anyone working in a health and wellness profession, I encourage you to check out the resources available for clinicians through Heal All Consulting. Their aim is to help you create a more inclusive practice. I believe that begins with words. 




And That's Your Copy Quick Tip!


Copywriting is one of the most valuable skills you can learn as an entrepreneur. Once a week, I drop a tip to help health & wellness practitioners level up their copywriting skills. 





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Sarah Cook is a Copywriter, StoryBrand Guide, and former Naturopathic Doctor with 10+ years of experience writing for the naturopathic and functional medicine community.


