Copy Quick Tip | The Difference Between a Business Brand & Personal Brand

copy quick tips Jun 28, 2023
Sarah Cook | Wellness Writer
Copy Quick Tip | The Difference Between a Business Brand & Personal Brand



"Build a brand."

"Become an expert."

"Position yourself as an authority."

"Get clear on your marketing message."

How many times have you heard advice echoing these sentiments in the last week alone? I'm guessing at least a time or two.

But here's the problem. 

Before doing any of those awesome brand-building things, there's a step that many people miss. And if you skip this step, you will end up massively confusing your clients and yourself. 

The first step is to decide whether you want to build a business brand or a personal brand.  

Ever even think of that?

A business brand is an entity like a health clinic. It has a name that is separate from your own, a suite of services, and possibly some employees. The messaging for a business brand focuses strongly on how its products or services can help potential clients or customers. 

In contrast, a personal brand is built around YOU as the name, face, and personality. While the messaging will still include elements that show how your services help your clients, there will be a stronger emphasis on who you are, what your values are, what your story is, and why you have credibility. 

Why is it so critical to decide which is best for you?

Because it is impossible to write good copy without a clear message, and it is impossible to have a clear message without knowing what type of brand you are building. 



✏️ Copy Quick Tip ✏️

 Get clear on whether you are messaging a business brand or personal brand.




 Let's look at some pros and cons. 


Pros & cons of building a business brand: 

Business brands are more independent from you as an individual, making them potentially sellable in the future. Business brands can also be easier to message because they can have names that are more specific to the services they sell.

On the down side, a business brand can be more limiting. If you create a business about "homeopathy for pets" but then decide you really want to start teaching classes about meditation, you may need to create a whole new brand. 


Pros & cons of building a personal brand: 

Personal brands open the door for more flexibility. If you want to pivot from doing homeopathy for pets into teaching meditation classes, this is much easier to do as a personal brand because all of these passions and skills still fit under the umbrella of YOU. Personal brands also make more sense for individuals who want to use strategies like podcast interviews, speaking on stages, or even social media to market their business.

On the down side, it may be less obvious to potential clients how your services can help when you are marketing a personal brand. This only means you need to put in more effort to connect your personal brand message with the marketing for your services. 


This has been a longer Copy Quick Tip than usual because it is SO IMPORTANT. 


Choose whether you want to build a business brand or a personal brand and then we can dive in to the best way to message it. 





And That's Your Copy Quick Tip!


Copywriting is one of the most valuable skills you can learn as an entrepreneur. Once a week, I drop a tip to help health & wellness practitioners level up their copywriting skills. 





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Sarah Cook is a Copywriter, StoryBrand Guide, and former Naturopathic Doctor with 10+ years of experience writing for the naturopathic and functional medicine community.


