To Teach or To Sell: The ND Blogger’s Dilemma

content strategy Jul 29, 2018

Docere (to teach) is one of the foundational tenets of Naturopathic Medicine: doctor as teacher. Vendere (to sell) is not a naturopathic tenet.

It should come as no surprise, then, that my ND friends and colleagues return blank stares when I tell them that their blog should be part of their marketing strategy. It makes sense that the purpose of a blog is to teach. But to sell?

I do not argue that the purpose of a blog is to teach. I argue that the purpose of a blog is ALSO to sell. Why? Two reasons: a blog that sells helps people more, and a blog that sells keeps you in business. Keep reading to learn why your blog needs to part of your marketing plan plus 3 strategies for writing blogs that sell...

A Blog that Sells Helps People More

Blog articles provide insights, tips, and practical advice that can direct people on a better path. You might share new research on an herb, a reader starts taking that herb, and that reader feels better. You might share tips on how to exercise on a busy schedule, and a reader will be inspired to move more often. You might share recipes for healthy snacks, and a reader will stop hitting the vending machine. There is no doubt that the information you share in a blog article can help people improve their lives for the better.

But there is a limit to how much you can influence a person’s life through a blog article. You know (better than I) how much transformation can take place when you work with a patient—one-on-one and in-person. You know how specific you can be with your recommendations when you evaluate patients in a clinical setting. Your influence, when you work directly with patients, goes far deeper than any blog article ever will.

If potential patients are reading a blog article and find it useful, chances are that they will want more. They might be struggling with a chronic condition or worried about undiagnosed symptoms. When you give them an opportunity to learn more, to follow you on social media, to subscribe to your e-newsletter, to download an e-book, or to CALL YOUR OFFICE, you open the door for them to go deeper. You open the door to transform their lives.

A Blog that Sells Keeps You in Business

Maintaining a blog requires an investment. Either you invest your own time and energy, or you hire somebody else to do it. Either way, the time, energy, and money that you spend on your blog should not be a charitable donation. If you want to see a return on your investment, you need to write a blog that sells.

When done right, a blog can end up being your greatest marketing asset. People will read your posts, share your posts, opt into your offers, click over to your sales pages, and in the end—purchase your products and services. Turning your blog into sales keeps you in business, which, of course, is a prerequisite to helping people more. Check out these 3 strategic tips to help you write blog posts that sell.


3 Strategies for Writing Blogs that Sell

1. Be Consistent

I liken marketing to getting kids to eat vegetables. People need to see you and get a tiny taste of you several times before being willing to go all-in. Posting blog articles on a consistent basis is the best way to show up—again and again. Posting on a regular basis also boosts the SEO of your site because it tells the search engines that you are staying current.

2. Choose Topics that Relate to Your Services

This recommendation is common sense, but you may not have thought about it. Why would you write about age-related memory loss if your practice is focused on pediatrics? Write about topics that will engage your ideal potential patients.

3. Inspire Your Readers to Engage.

This is really where the selling part comes into play. You need to ask for the sale. You need to invite readers to engage with your business. That engagement could be as simple as subscribing to your newsletter. It could be downloading an e-book that showcases your expertise in a particular area. It could even mean calling your office to make an appointment. But guess what? If you do not invite and encourage readers to act, they will just close the tab and click away.




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Sarah Cook is a Copywriter, StoryBrand Guide, and former Naturopathic Doctor with 10+ years of experience writing for the naturopathic and functional medicine community.


