Welcome to my thoughts on content trends and copywriting tips for health & wellness entrepreneurs!

Copy Quick Tip | The Difference Between a Business Brand & Personal Brand



"Build a brand."

"Become an expert."

"Position yourself as an authority."

"Get clear on your marketing message."

How many times have you heard advice echoing these sentiments in...

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Copy Quick Tip | Write for One, Edit for All


June is Pride Month, so I've been thinking a lot about inclusive copywriting. I recently took a course on how to neutralize clinical language for LGBTQ+ inclusion and have been looking at...

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Copy Quick Tip | Get Detailed


I read a lot of websites and sales pages in the health and wellness space, and at a point, they all start to sound the same. Most claim to help with stress, sleep, energy, or chronic...

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Copy Quick Tip | The Word Swap


The other day, I was writing an email for a client on the topic of dental health. Once the email was drafted, I noticed that I'd used the word "toothbrush" 9 times within a...

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Copy Quick Tip: Get Comfy Using "I"


"When should I write my copy in the first person, and when should I use the third?"

It's a question a lot of health and wellness practitioners get hung up on. As a professional,...

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Copy Quick Tip | Parallel Structure


I'm all about breaking the rules when it comes to writing copy that sounds casual, conversational, and infused with personality...

...within reason. 

There are circumstances and times...

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Copy Quick Tip | Word Order


Do you know which word in a sentence carries the most weight? 

Do you care?

If you're at all interested in using words and sentences to attract your ideal clients and grow your...

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Copy Quick Tip | One-Word Sentences


How can you write copy that captivates people's attention, feels fun to read, and gets your point across? 

One thing I like to do is optimize the cadence of the copy....

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Copy Quick Tip | Forget All the Rules


Let's play a game of "this or that."

Which sounds more exciting?

  • Yes! You're in.
  • Yessss!!! You're in. 

Which sounds more emphatic?

  • It's just not true. 
  • It's just NOT....
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Copy Quick Tip | Even If


Making a sale or signing a new client up for your service is all about overcoming every last objection that person has to buying. Objections like...

  • I'm not interested.
  • This isn't...
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Copy Quick Tip | Copy Design


Here's the easiest way to make your copy *pop* without changing a single word. 

It's called copy design

This is where you infuse a variety of colored text, bolded words...

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Copy Quick Tip | Sentence Starters



Stop dwelling over the first sentence!!!

This used to be me:

I'd have an idea for a social media post or blog article and sit down to start writing but then...

Refill my...

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Sarah Cook is a Copywriter, StoryBrand Guide, and former Naturopathic Doctor with 10+ years of experience writing for the naturopathic and functional medicine community.


