My thoughts on things—especially copywriting, content creation, and leveraging the latest tools & tech without losing your creative and intuitive edge

Copy Quick Tip | The Difference Between a Business Brand & Personal Brand Jun 28, 2023



"Build a brand."

"Become an expert."

"Position yourself as an authority."

"Get clear on your marketing message."

How many times have you heard advice echoing these sentiments in the last wee...

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Copy Quick Tip | Write for One, Edit for All Jun 21, 2023


June is Pride Month, so I've been thinking a lot about inclusive copywriting. I recently took a course on how to neutralize clinical language for LGBTQ+ inclusion and have been looking at the healt...

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Copy Quick Tip | Get Detailed Jun 14, 2023


I read a lot of websites and sales pages in the health and wellness space, and at a point, they all start to sound the same. Most claim to help with stress, sleep, energy, or chronic disease. 


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Copy Quick Tip | The Word Swap Jun 07, 2023


The other day, I was writing an email for a client on the topic of dental health. Once the email was drafted, I noticed that I'd used the word "toothbrush" 9 times within a short 200-word message.

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Copy Quick Tip: Get Comfy Using "I" May 31, 2023


"When should I write my copy in the first person, and when should I use the third?"

It's a question a lot of health and wellness practitioners get hung up on. As a professional, you share your  bi...

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Copy Quick Tip | Parallel Structure May 24, 2023


I'm all about breaking the rules when it comes to writing copy that sounds casual, conversational, and infused with personality...

...within reason. 

There are circumstances and times when it pay...

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Sarah Cook is a Copywriter, StoryBrand Guide, and former Naturopathic Doctor with 10+ years of experience writing for the naturopathic and functional medicine community.


